Folk & Acoustic Musical Instrument Specialists

Company Information > How to Order & Terms

You can also visit our US Store in Red Wing, MN! Go and try for youself.

You can order securely online. Just go to the item you want and click on "add to shopping cart". You can keep coming back to the catalogue adding or deleting as many items as you like before deciding to buy. You are not committed to the purchase until you get to the confirm order screen and click the confirm order button, so it is safe to experiment! We still take orders by Phone, Fax, Post & Email too.

Hobgoblin Mail Order - How it Works

When we receive your order we will deal with it promptly, the most popular catalog lines are normally in stock, but if there is any delay we will write to you with an estimated delivery date. Goods which have to be brought over from England will take about 8 weeks to deliver.

All our goods are fully guaranteed, new goods for 1 year, secondhand for 6 months, and you can return mail order goods, during the first week you have them if you are not satisfied with them (except custom made instruments and special orders). Notify us first, and ensure that the goods reach us in good condition.

We accept Mastercard, Visa, Amex, Travellers Checks, Discovery, Paypal and more.

Written quotes available on request

Please contacts us regarding school and trade sales.

We reserve the right to change prices & specs at any time without notice. Errors & omissions excepted.

Placing Your Order

By Post:
920, State Highway 19, Red Wing, MN 55066, USA

Complete the order form if you have one (otherwise clearly write out all the items you want complete with part numbers). Use the postage rate chart below to find the amount for shipping. Enclose your payment, or fill in your Mastercard or Visa number on the order form. Full payment must be received before the goods are despatched. .

By Email:

Just Email us with a list of the items you want, your postal address and phone number. Please quote your credit card number (split this into two separate emails for security), expiry date, and the catalog numbers of the items.

By Phone:
(Toll Free) 1 877 866 3936 (1-US STONEYEND)

Just phone and tell us what you want, quoting your credit card number and the catalog numbers of the items. .

(except when next day shipping has been requested)

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Try the instruments for yourself! We keep a huge and varied stock of new and secondhand instruments.


Definition: (or tabla-bayan) - NB Indian: an asymmetrical pair of small, tuned hand played drums (of the kettle-drum type) of north and central India, Pakistan and Bangladesh; the tabla drum is of wood, the Bayan of metal.

Read the full World & Folk Drums FAQ Page.