Folk & Acoustic Musical Instrument Specialists

Company Information > Hobgoblin Music for Education


If you represent a school or other educational organisation, you qualify for additional discounts from Hobgoblin Music.

All educational orders qualify for a 10% discount from our standard retail prices.

Orders over £1500 qualify for a 15% discount, and orders over £3000 will receive a 20% discount.

If you require a quote or pro forma for an order, we will be very happy to provide one.

As an established educational customer, you may additionally qualify for a credit account, at our discretion.

To set up your educational account, request a quote, or find out more about our educational services, please contact our head office:

Phone: 0333 800 9500, Email:, Post: PO Box 4707, Worthing, BN11 9JA

Try the instruments for yourself! We keep a huge and varied stock of new and secondhand instruments.


Definition: type of bellows-blown bagpipe known in Scotland, Ireland and Northern England from 18th century when it was known as Union Pipes. Has a conical chanter which has a two octave range, 3 drones, and 3 keyed chanters known as regulators.
Read the full Bagpipes FAQ Page.