Folk & Acoustic Musical Instrument Specialists

Company Information > Contact Page

To place an order:
Telephone: 1 877 866 3936 (Toll free from the USA)

Fax: 1 651 388 8460
920, State Highway 19, Red Wing, MN 55066, USA

General Correspondence, and our Red Wing Store:
Telephone: 1 877 866 3936 (Toll free from the USA)
Fax: 1 651 388 8460
920, State Highway 19, Red Wing, MN 55066, USA

Contact our shop staff:

Please fill in our Feedback Form!
And if you need to talk to a human, here are some people who may be able to help with special problems:

Gary Stone
(CEO Hobgoblin USA, Red Wing store): (

Marie Stier
(Sales): (

Try the instruments for yourself! We keep a huge and varied stock of new and secondhand instruments.


Definition: an English bellows blown bagpipe with small cylindrical closed-end chanter, and 3 or 4 drones. Other variations include Northumbrian half long bagpipes. Probably developed from the French musette.

Read the full Bagpipes FAQ Page.