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Sherwood Fergus C/G Anglo Concertina. 30 Key Raised metal ends with domed metal buttons. Czech reeds mounted on reed pan

Sherwood Fergus C/G Anglo Concertina. 30 Key

Raised metal ends with domed metal buttons. Czech reeds mounted on reed pan

Item ID: GX47048   
    Product Features
  • Red button bushes. Comfy leather straps with brass screw mounted adjustment
  • Leather cornered and finished bellows. 7 Folds
  • Brass end screws
    Product Specifications
  • Wheatstone Layout
  • Made in: China
New Line. Added to catalogue 
24/10/24 - New Line. Added to catalogue 24/10/24
Complete With Case - Complete with Case
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Anglo Concertinas Information

The Anglo is commonly used for dance-music, particularly Morris, and Irish music. It's also used to accompany songs, shanties etc. Each button produces a different note on the push and draw of the bellows (so there are TWO notes per button). The high notes are on the right-hand end, the low on the left. So you can play the tune with the right hand, and vamp chords with the left.
Click through to our Concertina Information Page