Price: $13.05
Atlas 12 Hole Ocarina, Pink
Large plastic body. Alto C, chromatic
Item ID: GR27020P Model No: AW-L40P
- Product Features
- Atlas ocarina sounds beautiful and the design is simple but elegant
- Made of high performance ABS resin plastic
- Classic bean shape!
- Product Specifications
- Quality Ocarina thats great for kids. Synthetic build for greater reliability and tone
- Made in: China
- Model Number: AW-L40P

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Ocarinas Information
The Ocarina is an egg-shaped fipple blown wind instrument. There are six or more finger holes, three for each hand. It is blown like a recorder or whistle, and is generally tuned to a diatinic scale. The come in both a flattened ovum shape with the mouthpiece on the perimeter, and in a sideways submarine shape with the mouthpiece on the side.
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